Silver Clay Workshops with
Silver Magpie

Clay that is made of real silver, not clay that is silver coloured!!

Silver Clay is a magical material to work with - made up of ground down recycled silver mixed with a binder, it has it the soft and malleable properties of clay which can be textured, embossed, moulded and shaped in any way you choose. Once shaped, the binder is burned off using a blowtorch or kiln leaving a solid, fine silver piece made by you! It really is magic, it is real silver and it so versatile the opportunities are endless which keeps people coming back again and again!

Below are many of the classes we offer throughout the year - if the one you want isn’t available right now it will be back soon, message us to find out more!

Meet the tutor!

My name is Katherine and I am a wife and a mum to two gorgeous boys, living in Petersfield, Hampshire.  In 2013, I began Silver Magpie making fingerprint jewellery as a hobby, including making bespoke designs.  It has since grown into a well-known local business, with the majority of my bookings coming from word-of-mouth recommendations. 

I have met some lovely people along the way, many of whom have written some lovely reviews, and many have gone on to be repeat clients as their families have grown.  I feel very honoured that people have chosen me in the past to make their precious keepsakes and I always get a thrill seeing them being worn when I have bumped into clients out and about.