Fused Glass
Classes at
The Makers’ House

Fused Glass has been one of the most popular classes at The Makers’ House since we opened. We worked closely with the talented C-Star Designs who brought the colour and feel of glass to so many people through relaxed social picture tile sessions, with their sell-out Meadow and Seascape curve workshops becoming a firm favourite! It was clear you all wanted more, and we are always happy to help!

Now with our own kiln and an addiction to buying new glass we can bring you a wider range of classes, including bigger pieces, more colours and more techniques. Jaime teaches many of the classes and is always open to your ideas and suggestions and will ensure you create a piece you will be proud of.

Below are many of the classes we offer throughout the year - if the one you want isn’t available right now it will be back soon, or why not book a private class? Message us to find out more!

Meet the Tutor!

I’m Jaime and I am the owner of The Makers’ House and now teach most of our glass workshops. Having always admired glass work in galleries and exhibitions I knew it was something I wanted to offer as a big part of The Makers’ House and thankfully you all love it as much as me! and it’s become a core workshop for us. I loved working with C-Star Designs and Cathy got me well and truly hooked teaching lots of workshops with us and enabling us to run our social glass picture tile sessions. When we got our own kiln for glazing pottery I ensured it was also capable of firing glass, and with many practise runs we now do all our firing on site.

I have enjoyed experimenting and playing with different types of glass and though I am still relatively new to the craft I am also enjoying offering different classes and experiences for those who are keen to do more.