Dressmaking Workshops at The Makers’

At a time when we are encouraged to make do and mend, to upcycle and repurpose, there’s never been a better time to get into dressmaking. Our friendly small group sessions mean you’ll get lots of support and help to develop your skills, plus we have set up our classes so you bring your own fabric so you can be sure of making something you will really love! Our classes are ideal for anyone with the most basic machine skills - if you need a refresher or a 121 lesson before your workshop we can help with that too!

Below are some of the classes we offer - if the one you want isn’t currently available it will be back soon, drop us a message to find out more!

Meet the tutors!

Jaime and Liz both teach sewing at The Makers’ House; Liz is the precise and accurate measurer which makes her a fabulous dressmaker. Jaime is more ‘make it up as you go along’ and enjoys free motion and guesstimating! Both ways work well and we are here to help you fall in love with your sewing machine!