Sewing Lessons and Workshops at The Makers’

Its never too late, or early, to learn how to use a sewing machine! I am asked all the time to help people repair things because they don’t know how to use a machine, or to teach their children because they don’t know - its not something we are born knowing and its not surprising if you can’t remember those few weeks of lessons way back at school!

We offer small group and 121 sessions to help you over come any fears of your sewing machine, and to help you discover what all those dials, levers and switches do. If you have a machine why not book in and we can help you get the most out of it, or if you are thinking of getting one we can help you work out what you really need!

Below are some of the classes we offer - if the one you want isn’t currently available it will be back soon, drop us a message to find out more!

Meet the tutors!

Jaime and Liz both teach sewing at The Makers’ House; Liz is the precise and accurate measurer which makes her a fabulous dressmaker. Jaime is more ‘make it up as you go along’ and enjoys free motion and guesstimating! Both ways work well and we are here to help you fall in love with your sewing machine!