Quilting at The Makers’ House

By popular demand we are now able to offer quilting lessons - after much persuasion one of our regular and very fabulous customers Tom has succumb and is all ready to share his fantastic talent with you all. The first course starts in June and we cannot wait!! Take a look below to see what he has in store….

We also run a social quilters group, perfect to block out some time to work on your latest project, and Liz runs a great stash buster class teaching the addictive hobby of English Paper Piecing!

Meet the tutor!

Hi I'm Tom from Furtherfield Quilting. I'm a husband, a dad and a quilter. Having explored various crafts all my life I was drawn to quilting quite by accident. Back in October 2021 a facebook group I was a part of asked for everyone to post a picture of the craft item they are most proud of. Scrolling through the comments there were all kinds of makes from crocheted teddies to hand made cards (both of which I had tried and have a craft room full of gear). But I had to stop scrolling when I came across a beautiful quilt someone had made. It was stunning, so colourful and intricate looking. I messaged the creator who sent me the link to the youtube tutorial of how it was made, and that's it. I was hooked.  Cue attending multiple quilt shows, joining my local guild and even going out to America for a quilting retreat with the team from the first quilting video I watched.

 In the future I'm planning to buy a longarm quilting machine and complete quilting projects for other people, but for now I'm enjoying sharing the love of the craft via hands on courses.